After Party Cleaning

After Party Cleaning Services by Home & Commercial Cleaning

Restoring Order and Freshness After Your Celebration

At Home & Commercial Cleaning, we understand that hosting a memorable event is a joyful experience. However, the aftermath can be overwhelming. Our specialized after-party cleaning services are designed to take the stress out of post-celebration cleanup, allowing you to relish the memories while we restore order and freshness to your space.

Our After Party Cleaning Expertise

Prompt and Efficient Cleanup

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to promptly cleaning up after your event. We focus on all areas impacted by the festivities, including:

  1. Common Areas: Clearing away party decorations, disposing of trash, and tidying up common spaces.

  2. Kitchen and Dining Areas: Cleaning countertops, wiping down appliances, and ensuring your kitchen is back to its pristine state.

  3. Restrooms: Thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing restrooms for a fresh and hygienic environment.

  4. Floor Care: Sweeping, mopping, and specialized floor treatments to remove any spills or debris.

Detail-Oriented Approach

We pay attention to the finer details, ensuring that no trace of the celebration remains. From removing confetti to wiping down surfaces, we leave no stone unturned.

Eco-Friendly Cleanup

We prioritize the safety of your home and the environment. Our cleaning products are eco-friendly and non-toxic, providing a sustainable and healthy cleaning solution.

Service Information

  • Price :£69
  • Cleaning Hours :1-3 Hours
  • Number of Cleaners :02 Cleaner
  • Visiting Hours :09.00am - 06.00pm
  • Contact :07480955735
  • E-mail