Floor Scrubbing

Floor Scrubbing Service

At Home & Commercial Cleaning, we understand the significance of clean, spotless floors in both residential and commercial spaces. Our professional floor scrubbing services are tailored to provide a deep and thorough clean, leaving your floors looking their best.

Our Floor Scrubbing Process:

**1. Preparation and Inspection: Before we initiate the floor scrubbing process, our expert team conducts a thorough inspection to assess the type of flooring and any specific cleaning requirements. We take care to protect adjacent surfaces and areas.

**2. Dust and Debris Removal: We begin by removing any loose dust, dirt, or debris from the floor surface. This initial step ensures a more effective and efficient scrubbing process.

**3. Application of Specialized Cleaning Solutions: Depending on the type of flooring material, we use industry-approved cleaning solutions that are safe and effective. These solutions target dirt and grime, leaving behind a sparkling clean surface.

**4. Scrubbing and Agitation: Our advanced floor scrubbing equipment agitates the cleaning solution, effectively loosening embedded dirt and stains. This process rejuvenates the appearance of your floors.

**5. Rinsing and Drying: After the scrubbing process, we thoroughly rinse the floor to remove any residue, leaving behind a clean and residue-free surface. We also expedite the drying process to minimize any inconvenience.

Service Information

  • Price :£69
  • Cleaning Hours :1-3 Hours
  • Number of Cleaners :02 Cleaner
  • Visiting Hours :09.00am - 06.00pm
  • Contact :07480955735
  • E-mail :info@homeandcommercialcleaning.co.uk